Monday, June 18, 2012

Raindrops Land

The raindrops were grousing in the heavenlies.
“Why do I have to water the dry and dusty?”
“Why can't I land on the lush and lovely?”
“Do I always have to drop on the wilted?
“It's not fair! I want to make the big splash!”
Each one whined , comparing themselves to the “select few” who had the “perfect landing spot.”
Rumbles were heard drawing near. “Enough!”, the Rain Maker bellowed.
Who are you to decide the ideal landing? On what do you base your short-sided opinion? Appearance? Applause? Appreciation?”
Pointing at one, “Your drop on the dry and dusty could make the difference between life and death.”
“You! You long for the lush and lovely, yet you don't know that more drips could bring disaster.”, He spoke to another.
Turning His eye, “As for you, the wilted only need to be refreshed lest they become too dry."
To the last drop, He directed this comment, “And you want to make a big splash? You don't know whether it is your drop that may cause a rare bloom to unfurl, but I do!”
“I have given each raindrop a task, a destination. If you would be willing to land where you are sent, who knows what good you might do? Leave it to Me to do the sending. Your job is to simply land. I will do the rest.”
The raindrops stopped murmuring. They readied themselves to descend.
This time in anticipation.
Wilted or lovely. Big splash or small.
They would go.
They would land where they were sent.

Why would you ever complain... He doesn't care what happens to me? Don't you know anything?... He's creator of all... And He knows everything...” Isaiah 40:27-28

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