Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I pick up the shard of glass from the beach.
The edges are worn smooth.
It is old. Pale green with air bubbles embedded in the glass.
How could something so sharp now be so smooth?
I ponder the length of years it has churned in these waters. The number of storms it has endured. The rocks and debris it has encountered.
Iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)

One man sharpens .
After nearly 32 years of marriage, I find a lot of my rough edges have been smoothed. Selfishness and pride have taken a beating. Patience and gentleness have been honed. Like sand paper on a plank has my Beloved been to me.
Sharp edges removed.
Originally, that shard would have been unsafe to pick up. Now it is appealing. It is a joy to run my fingers upon its surface. My fingers easily skim the glass.
I would be so appealing. A joy to be around. I believe all these years of marriage, and the various trials we have endured, have smoothed even me.
It is this very roughness removed that indeed sharpens me. My ears are more attuned to my Lord. I am more sensitive towards my Beloved and those around me.
Sharp is now smooth.
Smooth now makes sharp.
A shard becomes a treasure.

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