Saturday, April 11, 2015

Don't Be

I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart.  And the peace that I give is a gift the world can not give. So don't be troubled or afraid. John 14:27 NLT

What audacity to speak such words: Don't be troubled. Don't be afraid.
These are words from One, leaving. Into the maze of stumbling humanity He has led them. Out into the darkness of their fears, the helplessness of injustice, or even death hovering near. Yet He says, "Don't be troubled or afraid. "
How unreasonable, when there is every reason to do just that- quake with anxiety, tremble with doubt, hide from the terror. How ludicrous when, as a human, our pathetic attempts to do other, fail. Be at peace? Tried that. That peace stuff is stacked behind the door, out of sight. Only a trail of broken hopes, and silent dreams lies scattered hither and yon. All those meager attempts, worthless.
Yet His words still stand.
What am I missing?
The words found before. The words after. Those sentences that cushion the fragile frame of peace.
"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust also in Me. " John 14:1 NLT
Here is an alternative, an option. A polar extreme. Here I am asked to rely on quaking heart or on fathomless God. Which will I choose? Only when I choose His presence can I find this peace that has been so fleeting, previously.
The cushion on the far side is equally as comforting.
"Remain in Me and I will remain in you. " John 15:4 NLT
The power only surges through the wires when the plug is securely in the outlet. Remove the plug, remove the power, the capability of machinery to work.
If I would rely on Him, fix my eyes upon His heart, rather than mine, the trembling will cease. In its place will be peace, rest of heart, despite storms brewing or already come. Only then, can I recognize the gift: His presence, His power, circulating through my veins where angst previously flowed.
I am incapable of a sunny outlook on a drab, rainy day. But when His strength, His hope floods my heart, I can remain in hands capable of doing All things: I will wear a garment of praise  instead of a spirit of despair. 

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