Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Love Right

I'm God and I act in loyal love. I do what's right and set things right... these are My trademarks. Jeremiah 9:24 Message

What a relief that is! In a season of feeling pounded by the waves of my own sinfulness and mistakes, my pride and my lack, those words bring comfort to my bruised and battered soul.
Though I may not, will not, on my own, act in loyal, steadfast, immovable, unchangeable love, He does. Every time.

He goes beyond that and only does what is right and good and wise. Between the two, I find strong legs to stand upon: love right. The manner of His love is free from error. His choices, His actions, are always just and always loving.
He knows how to love right. That's His trademark. I can count on it.
It's the third part that sets my heart singing: He sets things right. It's as if I have spilled curdled milk across the floor and He gladly waltzes in to clean it all up.
To say He sets things in their proper places, gives me hope when I consider the debacles I've caused. I am relieved to know that Someone bigger, wiser, more kind and loving than I could ever dream of being, is willing to wade into the mess of my life and set it all in order.
I think that a great part of His loving us properly, is this whole idea of His setting things in their decent and true manner. Just as there are always dishes to be done and laundry to put away, there will be a continuous need in my life to have my Father set things right. Yet there is relief from the mess of it all.
He does no wrong, does not fail. He is as He ought to be: virtuous, full of integrity and purity in thought and action. Saturating us, like syrup on pancakes, with loyal love. These are His trademarks.

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