Monday, May 14, 2012

Fake or Real?

The tulip trees are blossoming.
It is surprising to see the flowers and even the leaves so similar to a tulip. But they are merely an imitation. Fake.
Tulip trees just don't have the appeal of tulips. Yes, they're pretty but they are not astounding. Tulips are vibrant, singing with life. The trees are limited in color and form. They are stilted. Fake does not call to me as the real thing.
How many areas in my life have been fake?
How often have my prayers been limited, stilted? Lacking in vibrancy?
How many times has my face colored with laughter when my eyes are brimming?
How frequent has been my response to a friendly “How are you?”,
with “Fine.” , when my heart is anything but ?
How many times have I imitated a godly life, when it was really a stinking tomb?
I want my life to be vibrant, singing with life. I want it to be astounding, for my Lord's sake.
I want to be real.

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