Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I Scrape the Pot

I scrape the pot. I scrub and soak and scour. I want this stuck gone. I want the scorched removed. I want pristine once more. I have forgotten that I need only cover it with a damp paper towel, and wait. Given time, the stuck will soften. The scorch will soon be washed away.
How often have I tried to scrub my heart?
I have pleaded forgiveness, scraped and scoured, attempting to be rid of the stuck. I want to be done with the guilt, freed from the shame. I want the pristine once more.
I forget and never seem quite satisfied with simply covering my sin with the blood of Christ. I should have to do more, work harder at being good. I ought to ask forgiveness yet again. I cower and weep. Over and over I scrape.
Yet, if I will come boldly to His throne of grace, I will find mercy and grace and help in time of need.( Hebrews 4:16.)
I may come boldly... not begging. Not reluctant. Not cowering. Confidently. Without fear. When I am willing to come and cover the scorch with His grace, the stuck softens. The sin is washed away, and so is my guilt.
I scrape no more.

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