Friday, August 29, 2014

Never Stop

Sometimes I grow weary. Of doing good. Like the time I stopped teaching Sunday School, simply because "I was tired of it." Or when I quit sending daily devotions to my son because it was "too much effort."
Like some worn-out rag, I stop being useful. I become dissatisfied with my efforts or with those I am attempting to help. (As if others were required to be perfect or less needy. Or as if I should be.)  I can be rebellious or burned-out. I can be impatient or spent. The bottom line: like a sink full of dish water, I become drained.
Jeremiah has repeatedly told the Israelites that they would be carted away to Babylon as a result of their rejecting God. But my patient, faithful God? He extends grace and hope anyway. He throws wide the doors to His goodness with a promise. "I will never stop doing good for them. " Jeremiah 32:40 NLT
He will never stop.
Never, as in, not at all. Ever. Not on your life or in the least way or in any way, shape or form. He will. Not. Stop. Doing good.
He will not discontinue His kindness.  He doesn't find it irksome to give to His rebellious people. Like two loaves and a fish, His goodness is poured out, multiplied and satisfies more than we could ask for. He thinks and sees only what will be beneficial and can not fathom doing anything other than good.
How is it that He can never grow weary or faint in making all things right and beautiful? It is part of His very character. It is woven into His being like thread through a loom. Strong. Permanent. Richly colored.
He is good. (Nahum 1:7 NLT) He is benevolent, merciful, gracious in the depths of Him. He can't do anything besides good.
For God, there are no other options.
Unlike me, He will never quit. Not today or tomorrow or next week or next year.
Lord, refresh me under the fountain of Your goodness!

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