Monday, July 30, 2012

I Tried

I tried to run this morning. It was like swimming through mud.
I tried to pray this morning. It was like trying to open my stuck window, seeking fresh air.
I tried to read my Bible. This, God's own words to me. It was like brittle corn shucks dropping off the grain. Dry. Tasteless.
I tried. Really, I did.
The dog pulls me forward. I keep running.
My Best leans near, speaking tender, “Allow me,” and with strong arms pushes up the window. A fresh breeze blows through, cooling.
God's Spirit whispers sweet, “Allow Me.”
Allow Him??
Allow. Permit. Let Him. Yield.
“Yield to the Lord, and enter His sanctuary...” 2 Chronicles 30:8a
Let Him do what I can not. Allow Him to be my refuge. Enter into His rest.
I tried and failed. I permit and words leap off the page into my heart, reverberating Truth.
I relish the sweetness, the flavor.
I stop trying and allow.

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