Monday, October 28, 2013

Rejoice and Be Glad

Today is one of those days where I feel challenged to rejoice. I am sure you've had one of those days. You know, like you woke up feeling puny, you accidentally deleted something you really needed and you just got bad news from a friend. It's like watching the sand running all down, away from the lovely sandcastle you have built, in your mind. Yep, definitely one of those days.
So what do you do with that? Getting cranky is easy. But is that what we should be doing, really?
Psalm 118:24 NASB says: this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Oh, great. So I am supposed to take delight in a headache or disappointment? Nope.
The psalmist repeats himself. Twice he says the same thing. Be cheerful! Be joyous! He repeats himself, not so we rejoice in hard things, the sinking sand. But rather, that we rejoice in the firm foundation beneath the sand: the Lord, who made this day.
God never changes; He is steadfast, immovable.
The psalmist says the same thing twice, so we will hear him. So we get it.
Take delight. In God.
When we are willing to rejoice in Him, it makes it easier on days when everything feels wrong.
It takes the focus off of us and puts it on the only One worthy of our trust. Our all-wise God who plans our very days.
So today, I exult in my Tender Shepherd who carries me. I choose to thank Him for this day which causes me to lean harder against His chest. And hear, His heart beating out His love for me.

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