Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Come to Me.... Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me.
Matthew 11:28-29 NIV

Who said learning should be quick, should be easy? All those years, I wanted to learn. I assumed that I could be taught like some overnight success, so that I could undo a lifetime of beliefs and habits. So I could do it "right." I was convinced that I could figure out, in a moment, how to be rid of the weights wrapped around me. How long I have been weary. How I ached to be released from these burdens.
This lesson of freedom, of understanding, has taken decades of learning what I had assumed would take moments or hours or at the most, days.
What is it that I needed to learn from Jesus, anyway?
I have discovered that first there needs to be a willingness to be taught. When I strut around like some peacock, boasting of what I have, what I know, then I will not learn. Taking Christ's yoke upon me and having a teachable heart, go hand-in-hand. They are each about yielding, giving up my rights in order to follow.
After having a willing heart, I must recognize the subject matter. What is it that I need to learn? Jesus and I have gone round and round about that one. I want a clear-cut "This is what you need to know....", but it is more often me shouting, legs kicking in tantrum-mode, "I don't want to be in school!". Or, I am stomping my foot in demands of "Tell me what I should be learning!!!", (then I can be Done with this lesson!)". None of these responses are conducive to understanding the subject matter, the heart of the issue.
What I have completely forgotten or refused to acknowledge is this: some lessons are harder than others. Some tasks can be learned in a few minutes, like how to count to three. Others require years or even a lifetime. Impatient person that I am, I don't want to wait that long! I prefer slam-bam-and-we-are-done! Which proves the point, again, that I need a teachable heart.
The lessons that need to be learned seem to be daunting. Learn of Jesus. Learn from Jesus. Learn to yield more and more, even all, to Jesus.
His desire for us is rest. His desire is to give us freedom.
He longs for us to know how to wallow in His grace.
To splash in the oceans of His love.
To feast upon His mercy.
In all these things I needed to understand my need for them, first. Only then could I learn to relish them.
I have concluded it is a lifelong process, to want His yoke, willingly strapping it on, and learning from Him, whatever lesson He wants to teach.
The heart of the issue, after all, is the state of my heart.

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