Monday, March 5, 2012

Rejoicing Over ME!

The moment I appear, there is shouting, running feet, dancing in place, excitement, enthusiastic hugging. All because Mamsie has arrived. They delight in my presence. There is rejoicing over me.
I find I relish that delight, that rejoicing when I consider the source. My grandchildren. Or my own children when they were small. I drink it in, parched for more. Feasting on such love.
Yet something nags. Feels uncertain. Doubts. Wonders if or when it will stop.

“My delight is in you.” (Isaiah 62:4)
“I rejoice over you.” (Zephaniah 3:17)

The Lord rejoices over ME??? Takes delight in ME ??? With that same exuberance?
Doesn't He remember how flawed I am? How broken? Isn't He as distant as my father? Or as unfaithful as I am? I have walked away from those I promised to love. Neglected. Hurt.
Yet, I am parched. I hunger. For such love. For someone to rejoice over me continually. To believe I am worth taking delight in.

I am halted in my lack. I ponder such love. Consider the source. God crying out in joy, dancing with excitement, shouting His love. For me.


I relish the delight and I am satisfied.
At last.

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