Friday, July 13, 2012


The store had gladiolas on sale $1.00/bunch. I bought several. These summer blooms are among my favorites and they last for days!
I arranged them carefully in a vase, anticipating beauty on my table for the remainder of the week.
The blossoms withered. I cut off the bottoms, changed the water. Still nothing.
Apparently I bought sad-iolas instead of gladiolas. These sure were sad-looking. They refused the life-giving water. They refused what would sustain them. And so they drooped and wilted. Then died.
This week I have been out-of-sorts. Really, I've been sad. Had I run to my Life-Giver? No, I have wilted and snapped at others .
I finally gave in this morning. I took my sad-iola self to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16
I had a good sob session and drank in truth from God's word. I listened for the whispers of His grace and was comforted.
This sad-iola became a gladiola.
And isn't that what I had wanted all week?
A gladiola in full bloom.

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