Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I Know

"I know." Strong words from a God, mighty. He declares them, boldly. As only He can.
What I know could fit in a teacup. A thimble. Certainly something small and easily spilled. What else could explain my forgetfulness? My failing to remember? All that He has taught, embedded, in me?
How do I manage to forget, even these words, "I know"?
The first hard place I encounter and my certainties, they scatter like snow blowing upon the wind. And I find my doubts, piling, mounded into drifts like that same crystalline white. And the very air surrounding me is frigid with "He doesn't care," or "He has forgotten me."
I was in the middle of such a blizzard, when those words pierced the storm.
"I know."
 It was like being snuck up on, from behind, I was so startled.
He knows? Oh, He knows!
He knows of all the doubts, stockpiling. He knows the fears, drifting. He knows my forgetfulness. The sun peeks out from clouds, with all this knowing.
That's when He finishes. "I know the plans..."
What?? His knowledge goes beyond the now? He sees the whole canvas? It is like He is the artist that already has the picture completed. He places the dark spots just so in the painting. What I am sure is charcoal smearing across the page is simply shadow, shading, highlighting the brilliance. Of Him.
That blizzard I felt stockpiling has become individual flakes, dancing. With joy. Remembering. His declaration. "I know."
And my teacup fills, as peace surrounds me.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord... Jeremiah 29:11

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