Monday, April 7, 2014


"Lord, if it is you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." Matthew14:28
If. A word of possibilities.
Two letters spelling hope.
A word of wonder and daring. A stepping stone across a wide sea of doubt. A moving forward, just in case. It might be. Him.
Here is Peter, weary Peter, whose screams still echo across the water from seeing a ghost. Whose broad shoulders ache from rowing, all night, in waves, boisterous. Startled Peter, whose ears and heart have heard words, life changing, hopeful. "I AM!"
And so, he steps off the cliff, longing for the rope to be secure, longing for those words to be true, to be worthy of his trust. "If it is You, tell me to come..."
There is yearning in such words. A craving for Truth. A desire for the impossible to be made possible. For the walking above waters, still beating upon boats. Upon hearts. Eyes, fixed, on Him, who replies so simply, so profoundly. "Come."
One word that is a command, and an invitation. An insistence on obedience, despite the circumstances, despite waves, churning, against. And a bidding to believe. In a sovereign, relentless God, pursuing. Peter, he has been prodded to acknowledge, rely on, Him, who can't be comprehend. But who, alone, is worthy of his trust.
Oh, Lord, hear my cry! If, it is You, tell me to come! If it is You! Oh, if it is, I am saved. At last.

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