Wednesday, December 2, 2015


I will love them lavishly. Hosea 14:4 Message

God? He's a God of excess. Abundance. And He chooses out of a pure-gold-heart, a heart of love, to bestow the unrestrained, on me.
Yet I treat Him like some tube of toothpaste that needs to be twisted and squished to squeeze out just one more dollop. I act like He's some stingy old man, reluctant, miserly, in His views towards me. And I choose to believe that what God has to offer is meager, a pittance.
It's like me coming to a Thanksgiving table overflowing with food, but I think I only get a thimble-full. So I come, boldly, proudly, with my pretty little thimble and  ask to be filled. Yet I come away hungry. Every. Time.
I am learning, ever-so-slowly, really only as-fast-as-a-snail-in-a-race, that my God, is wild, and unrestrained in generosity. He showers and lavishes His love and His goodness upon me. It often feels preposterous, even wasteful, yet He gives anyway. Despite my own reluctance, He chooses to be profuse.
The next time I come to a table groaning, I want to bring a platter. I want to recognize that not only can I eat-til-I'm-full, but I can be satisfied. And that more is always available.

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