Saturday, November 16, 2013

Delight. Period.

For The Lord takes delight in His people. Psalm 149:4

My Lord, He delights in me. Period.
Did you catch that?
It does not say, God takes pleasure in us, if. If we love enough, or forgive frequently. If I have all my ducks-in-a-row, just right. Or if I am humble enough.
Nope. Doesn't say that!
Nor does it say, that the Lord savors the joy of our company, when. When we obey quickly, or when we praise Him adequately. When we thank Him often or even when we confess all our lacks.
Nada. Not true.
My God, He has a high degree of enjoyment, in us, His people. Period.
There are no qualifiers or disquaulifiers. No maybes or mightbes.
There is simply, His delight. In you. In me. As His people.
It is a choice He has made, to enjoy us. There is nothing you can do, or I can do or even not do, that will prevent or impede that.
So, enjoy His pleasure. In you. This moment.
That smile on His face? That's from Him thinking about you.

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