Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lord, What About....?

When Peter saw him, he asked, "Lord, what about him?"  John 21:21

That's me, Lord.
Always asking about someone else.
"When are You going to deal with him?"
"When is she going to change?"
"Why can't he walk with God, like I do?"
"Why doesn't she ever suffer?"
"What is going to happen to them in this?"
"Lord, what about him?"
Always the pride.
Always the need to know, the desire to control.
Or to plain. figure. it. out.
You see, I don't like surprises. When they are bad. Or hurtful. Or puts me in an uncomfortable position. I'd rather know up front.
Here's the deal-io.
I want God to do it my way.
But my Lord? He has other ideas.
Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow Me."  John 21:22
In Deb-speak, it is translated: "Daughter, that's none of your business, what I do in other's lives. That is My department. Not yours. I'm in charge here! Your job is to follow Me. Kind of like Simon-Says. Do what I do. Obey Me, in whatever I ask."
Frankly, that is so not what I wanted to hear. It's easier to boss others around. Take charge. Be the know-it-all. It is much more difficult to follow. Submit. Obey.
Like snow upon the roads, I need to yield to the snowplow. Get out of the way and allow Jesus to work in any way He sees fit. The truth is, as long as I am paying attention to what others are or are not doing, I am not paying attention to God.
My endless questioning,"Lord, what about...?", only lands me in frustration or disappointment. His insistent, "What is that to you?", is really a question of my trust. If I believe God has my best interests at heart, then I need to trust that He has other's best interests in mind as well.
"What is that to you? You must follow Me," is really a lasso that draws me back to the heart of my Savior. And that heart? It is overflowing with His love and goodness.
It is time to let. go.

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