Friday, August 8, 2014


We were right there. Shoved hard against the Red Sea. Drowning depths before us. The enemy nipping at our heels. No place to turn. No place to go. Hemmed in on every side by circumstances, ugly. Unless God showed up, we were headed straight towards disaster.
Those Isrealites, way back in Exodus, were being pursued, overtaken. (Exodus 14:9). And when they realized they were in trouble, it says they were exceedingly frightened. Exceedingly. That means a whole heaping lot! They were terrified. Panicked. (v. 10) Who wouldn't be?
And here's the kicker: those Isrealites were exactly where God had sent them.
 (v. 2). They were in that tight spot, because they had obeyed God. Followed Him. So they cried out to Him.
Moses spoke words of comfort, of truth. "Don't be afraid. Watch the Lord rescue you! The Lord will fight for you. You need only to be still " (v. 13-14). In other words, stay calm!
Easier said, than done.
My sister, the one with body, broken, the one who needed medical care, continuously, was hemmed in by bureaucracy in front of her and a requirement for divorce from a man gone missing, twenty years, behind her.  And had mere days to do something. Can you spell impossible? She was on the brink of not only losing medical care, but was facing untold thousands in medical bills.
So we cried out to the One who had led us into that tight spot. Who had shoved us hard against the Red Sea. Waiting to be rescued.
And God showed up.
Exodus 14:24 says that "during the last watch of the night", God worked. He waited until the last possible moment. Then He delivered His people in such a profound way that all would know it was The Lord who did it.
Literally, on the day after the deadline, God parted the waters of bureaucracy and my sister was approved for Medicaid, for longer than we anticipated, and her divorce was no longer an issue.
God fought for her when we became still and stopped being afraid.
We have joined Miriam in response, "Sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously and is highly exalted." Exodus 15:21
He has triumphed indeed.

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