Tuesday, October 21, 2014


He'll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon. Psalm 37:6 MSG

What does that mean to validate, to stamp with approval? It's kind of like sending a medical procedure to the insurance company for permission. They are not going to pay for that ear surgery unless it is a medical necessity! They have to authorize the claim and put their seal of radification upon it. It is often a fight to get them to pay for something. 
Recently my sister suffered two strokes. As she was in ICU she was, of course, being diligently cared for by her doctor. Her insurance company decided that particular doctor was not on their list, so have refused to pay him. As if, in the middle of a life and death situation, we or the hospital could sit around and choose the "correct" one! Ludicrous!
How often do we clamor and fuss, insisting we are worthy of God's sanction?  As if in the process we could prove our value, be deemed acceptable? We treat Him as if He was no better than that ridiculous insurance company. And that somehow we are the wrong "doctor" and so not deserving of pay. We believe that we rankle God in His goodness and thus are not necessary. 
Truth speaks words of confirmation and comfort. Essentially He says, "Right here, in broad daylight, where all is exposed in the bright, I have endorsed you and found you pleasing. I have verified your claim and have set My stamp of approval upon it. You are deserving of My mercy, because I have chosen you before the foundations of the earth, as the object of My grace. "

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