Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I Know

On a day in the drab of January, when the world is cold and blustery, I am comforted with the hope of these words:
" ---- For I know their sorrows and sufferings and trials. Exodus 3:7 AMP (italics mine)
He knows. He understands. He is acquainted with.
My hurt. My ache.
Right here.
Right now.
If He is close enough to see it, near enough to hear it, takes the time to be acquainted with it, then I can be confident, I am not being ignored. Here is proof that He cares. Here is the evidence of His love for me. Otherwise, He would be like a banana and split. He would not have bothered to stick around.
On a dark day when you are convinced the news will be dark, when all you want is the hope of light, and the courage to keep walking in all that black, on that day, I am clasped in His arms, held tight and sure by such words: I know.
Like a bird flitting to the safety of a bush, hidden and protected, I find myself flying to His strength. Heart fluttering, I am soothed by  His arms wrapped wide. I find rest upon the branches of His words.
Like a badge of courage , I will pin these words to my heart, and I will know.
I can accept this gift of rest.
I can live like I have a God who is willing and able.
I can live like I have a God who cares.
"For I know..."
His chest hums with a love song, as I lean hard against such hope.

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