Thursday, October 22, 2015

Right Here in the Balmy

It's been right here, in the balmy days of fall, when the days sing glory, the nights taste cool, and the smells wafting are of bonfires and leaves piled high. It's been here, in a time, in a season that I've always loved, when I fell in love with my Best, that I remember: this is when she was born; this is when she still lived.
It was in these splendor-days, that her laughter rang clear, and she danced in the hallway while so many cheered. These were the hope-filled days. A time when the pain was only sporadic; there was another treatment to try and she released her long hair, preparing for the next step in her journey.
This was her epoch, her zenith, when she continued to pack her bags, pack her tent, pack her heart chock-full of those she loved.
These were the moments when she still lived, really lived.
This  is why I find my own heart etched with ache like frost upon the car. It is this fact that has sliced me thin, busts me wide and causes me to shrivel all at the same time.  The truth of her epoch, causes me to snap and crackle and pop at those around me, and to puddle, tears leaking constant.
For following that span of hope-filled days, was her tenacious clinging and the desperate longing for life to continue. But just as the final leaves upon the limb must soon be scattered, the winds of time cast our dreams to the ground, blowing away a life that we held dear.
It's been right here, in the balmy days of fall, when the days sing glory and the nights taste cool that I remember. She once lived.

Our hearts are sick and weary, and our eyes grow dim with tears.
But LORD, you remain the same forever. Lamentations 5:17, 19 NLT

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